The Lord said, "Rise and anoint him; for this is the one." 1 Samuel 16:12b
"You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23:5
Anointed one,
Holy and set apart,
Robes and head
Wet with oil
Called to serve
As God's holy priest,
Anointed one,
Holy and set apart,
Unlikely chosen one,
A child, really ~
(But, God sees with the heart)
Made king ~
Anointed one,
Holy and set apart,
To bring good news,
To release captives,
To give sight to the blind,
To free the oppressed ~
Lamb of God,
God's own Son,
Jesus, the Messiah.
Anointed ones,
Holy and set apart,
Washed in the waters of baptism
And marked with the sign of the cross forever,
You and me ~
Children of God.
Anointed, we live to serve God.
Anointed, we know God's never-ending love.
Anointed, we see the holy in others.
Anointed, we belong to God.