I think that since the first time I heard this story, I thought to myself, "Ah, those crazy Israelites! Always complaining; never quite trusting God. Don't they know any better? Why are they always complaining to Moses? They've been rescued, after all."
But, there are days now, when I look at this differently. After all, they are in the middle of their story, their journey and they don't know how it all ends for them. My perspective is different because I have the advantage - thousands of years later - of knowing the outcome. I think that if I were to be honest about it, if I were in their shoes, I would be complaining, too. I did some serious whining in my childhood. Just ask my parents. What makes me think I wouldn't whine if I were stuck in the desert without food and water?
Even now I experience days where my trust in God is not at 100% especially when I hear about natural disasters, or I see my son struggling to find his way in the world, or when I see my home congregation struggle, or when I see a friend dealing with illness. I want to complain to God about it all. It really is difficult to see where God is on the move in places like that.
Ultimately it's about the promise made in Christ Jesus - through his death and resurrection - and while things might look grim some days, I do know how all the stories will end. In the big picture, things will turn out all right. Thanks be to God!
One more thing, however. I do think that God is big enough to handle our complaints even when we can't handle situations on our own! It's good to know that God has such broad shoulders.
Help me LORD to put my trust in you - even when I cannot see where the future leads me. Help me to remember you are already there, ahead of me - as you are with me now - and have been with me in the past.
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