In the beginning, God created.
Life teaming water.
Drifting phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Pulsating jellyfish (like a heartbeat).
Slender eels slithering into dark caves.
Purposeful crabs, inching their way across the sea floor.
Colorful clown fish diving between sponges.
Dancing seagrasses stretching up, up, toward the sun at the ocean's surface.
Protective porpoises, wise blue whales, schools of mackerel moving as one organism.
Living teaming water.
Water falling from the skies,
Earth soaking up the moisture
Bulbs bursting from winter's frozen earth drink deeply, drink deeply.
Magnificent elephants and regal giraffes seek pools of water,
Cool down, drink for life.
Ducks bob along on ponds or rivers, finding food beneath their floating bodies:
Bottoms up!
Determined salmon swimming upstream heading to the place from which they once came,
Heading home.
Life giving water.
Amniotic fluid,
Home. Food. Life.
Waters break and new life ushers forth -
Crying, gasping for the strangeness of air.
Child of God,
Tiny hands outreached, twitching at the sudden, unexpected cool wetness on the head.
Words spoken; a promise made.
Water - washing away the dirt, the mess of life
Made fresh, new.
Joined in death and resurrection of the One.
Living water!
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