"Return to the Lord your God for God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing." Joel 2:13
Slow to anger? Really?
I, personally, am very angry now and I don't see how you can't be either. I would really like you to do something about it. Show your wrath for once!
How can it be that the proposed budget cuts will negatively affect people who are poor while the billionaires are left unscathed? Aren't you the slightest bit angry that our nation props up dictators in other countries who abuse their citizens? How about the way our government is now having hearings about the so-called "radicalization in the US Muslim community?" How can you not be angry at that? What about our nation's idea that somehow we are the chosen people? Doesn't that at least ruffle your feathers a bit? Does it even make you cry that our churches are torn apart by the pettiness of church members?
Slow to anger? God, for once, be ANGRY!
If you won't get angry then please show me how to channel my own temper. Show me how to channel it for good because being angry sometimes makes me immobile and ineffective.
In the meantime I will also pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done."
When will your kingdom come to finally end all the pain we cause each other? Come, Lord Jesus. Come.
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