Unknown territory
Wary one looks cautiously around every corner
Stumbles along an uncertain path
Lips and mouth dry
Arms drawn in, close to the body, protective
Feels alone,
Wily evil one
Sniffs out the weakness,
The fear, the desperation.
Sidles up beside the hesitant traveler
Whispers in the ear, as if to be a trusted confidant.
Twists words and meanings
Into confusing and misleading messages
Meant to throw one off the path.
Feeds on the fear -
The strong scent of fear -
Like a blood-thirsty vampire.
But look,
The Holy One is there -
Always was
Always is and will be.
Ever faithful
Walks beside, accompanies
Carries the water to quench the thirst
Renewing presence.
Gently guides the traveler along the rough terrain
Don't you see?
Don't you know?
Fear dissipates.
The wily one withers away.
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