My wedding ring serves as a reminder that my life is bound with Wayne's. Almost 32 years ago, we made a promise - a commitment - to share our lives with one another and to support one another as we both moved forward through life together.
I remember distinctly saying to Wayne on that day that it was essential for us to remember that this thing we were doing, this marriage, was a commitment - and that even in times when love fades, ebbs and flows, we would need to be willing to stick with our relationship and work at it. Even at that time, on that beautiful day in December all those years ago when our love was shiny and new, I knew that the future would not be like the present. It never is, after all. Our love was bound to change in all kinds of ways.
That binding, that commitment is significant. My relationship with Wayne reminds me of God's relationship with us...that God binds God's self with us in a relationship made possible through God-made-flesh, Immanuel. God will not give up on us, no matter how irresponsible or unkind or selfish we are. And while we human beings break our promises all the time, God never does.
yes! Amen!!!!