by Karen S. Matthias-Long

by Karen S. Matthias-Long

Friday, February 15, 2013

Abide in Us

A son remains by his dying father's side,
holds his hand, reads scripture aloud,
and sings lullabies to send him on his way.

Children - once lit up with light and life, skipping or running
to school earlier in the day - are slaughtered and the hearts
of a nation reach out, suffering alongside a wounded community.

A woman, at the precipice of major life changes, studies sacred texts and pauses over each word, expecting to find meaning, or solace or inspiration - just one facet of the diamond will do -  dwelling in the Word.

Abide with us
    Remain with
       Suffer with
          Dwell with
In our hearts, in our lives.

On this life's journey, sojourn with us
Or better yet, 
Be with
    Move in
       Weave through
Our hearts like the shuttle of a loom
Criss-crossing, connecting every fiber of our being with you,
Abiding in us.

[Other wonderful  "A" words for praying laps: accepting us, awaken us, arise in us - what "A" words can you think of?]


  1. I love your abiding poem!

    How about activate, adapt, assemble, or augment?
