"Why do I need to worship regularly?" you ask me.
I could give you the commandment ("Remember the Sabbath"), but I don't want to push the law here. Believe me when I say that there are days when I would prefer to worship at St. Mattress by the Pillow!
But, please hear me out and don't turn away just yet: I can think of two really good reasons to worship every week.
The most important reason, of course, is to set aside time to worship and praise God.
I know, I know. That sounds like a line right out of the confirmation instructor's mouth. But, we have heard that so often that sometimes I think we really don't think about what that means...that the focus is on God.
Maybe the music doesn't turn you on. Or, perhaps, it's difficult to sit through the sermon. Maybe the choir makes you grit your teeth. But, it's my opinion that those aren't the reasons we worship together on Sunday. It's not for our own gratification (although we can get something out of it...and maybe I'll talk about that another time).
My point is this:
~It's not about you.
~ Or me.
It's all about God. Praising God. Thanking God. ALL about GOD.
But, you say, "I can do that anywhere!"
You're right of course. But, there is something about doing it with a community of believers. A community of people like yourself and myself. Broken. Sinful. Hypocrites. Liars. Doubters.
God gave us the gift of community. It's not all bad all the time. It is a community that can lift up prayers on your behalf when you're not doing so well. It is a community where you can look others in the eye and know that they - like you - love God. It is a community where you can listen to God's Word with others and struggle with what it means for you, for me, for us. It is a community unlike any other in that it is one of the few places left where folks of all ages gather together.
You can't do that alone. In the woods. By the ocean. Doing yoga.
And that brings me to the second reason why weekly worship is important. I miss you! The rest of your family misses you. Really!
Each week is a family reunion. We're a happier bunch when you are there. When the pews are full - when the house is packed - the place is bursting with energy and life....all that "God praise" fills the room and fills my heart.
I love that passage in Corinthians when St. Paul compares the body of Christ (you and me and other believers) to a human body. When one part suffers, all suffer. When one part rejoices, all rejoice. I think Paul could also say, when one part is missing, we all miss that one.
We truly miss YOU.
Come back to the family reunion! All your adopted uncles and aunts, grandparents, parents, siblings and c

The table is set. God's arms are outstretched beckoning you, "Come. Come to the banquet!"
There's a seat waiting for you ~